Studying proccess

In SPUE ‘ Pedagogical college named after M. Auezov ’ passed  regular  pedagogical council on the topic:” Continuous improvement of the level of professional competence of teachers as a condition and means of ensuring a new quality of education “and discussion of the results of the first half of the year  2020. The following topical issues were included in the agenda:

  1. Implementation of  decisions  of  the  previous  pedagogical council.
  2. The updated content of education: a new look and perspective.
  3. “Basic principles and requirements for the content of renewed education in the Ta PE system”;
  4. “Lesson planning based on the updated educational program in the TaPE system”;
  5. “Effective teaching and learning methods during distance learning”;
  6. “Features of assessment and control of the updated content of education in the Ta PE system.”

III. Monitoring  the results of the  academic work  of  the  college  for 1 semester of the 2020/2021 academic year.

  1. Other questions

Maira Shakenovna, the deputy director of educational work, informed about the implementation of the decisions of the previous pedagogical council. She informed that the decisions made at the previous teachers’ council were basically implemented. In connection with the transition of first-year students to a combined format of training in a regular mode, the process of their adaptation to the educational process in college continues.            Thematic reports were presented by meaningful speeches with the presentation of the leading teachers of the college: chairman of the subject-methodological commission “Pedagogy and Psychology”, freelance trainer of  “Talap” Zaure Sabarzhanovna Alkanova; teacher of the highest qualification category, regional trainer in chemistry Muzaparova Didar Bayakhmetovna; chairman of the subject-methodological commission “Physical culture and natural disciplines”, regional trainer in biology Kalkenova Beibitkul Zhenispekovna;chairman of the subject-methodological commission “Kazakh language and literature”, teacher of the highest qualification category Nurpeisova Erkesh Bolatbekovna.The speakers focused on the fact that a qualitative change in education is impossible without the formation of a new view of the teacher on his place and role in the educational process, a new attitude towards the student. Therefore, it is important that the teacher himself understands the essence of new changes, the meaning of the new quality of education and new educational results; understand why there is a need to update the content of education, get acquainted with the content, structure and features of new curricula and most importantly: each of us must determine how ready he is to work in a new way, what he needs to learn in theory or improve in his practice …Monitoring of the results of the educational work of the college for the 1st semester of the 2020/2021 academic year was voiced by the deputy director for academic work Tohtarbek M.Sh. The positive aspects are noted, problems and ways of their solution are identified.The fourth item on the agenda included discussion of the main tasks of the team’s work for the 2nd semester of the 2020-2021 academic year, which were announced by the director of the college, Ph.D. Zhanaeva Shagangul Aldamzharovna. The draft decision of the pedagogical council, approved after the discussion, outlined the ways of solving the tasks set before the teachers.